Something that you did and shouldn't have done or vice versaFor those of you that just had a baby what is one good advice that you would give a 5 month pregnant woman?
Try not to stress about your delivery.Everything will be fine.Just try to relax and don't let anyone make you feel bad for anything you decide to do.
Don't feel bad about denying visitors when you first come home.I wish I would've done that.Don't feel bad about denying visitors at the hospital either.I was exhauseted and had people coming at 8 am every day not leaving until 10 or later at night.Needless to say, I was tired of it and them.
Let the housework go for a while and just rest and spend time with baby.You can't get those days back and you will regret it if you don't..
Unless you think you will need the help,don't let anyone stay that first week or 2.It was helpful but also a total nightmare.I feel like I missed out on my sons first week home because someone was always taking him from me.
You will get advice from everyone,but that doesn't mean you have to listen.Take what you need and just ignore the rest.Don't ignore your mommy instinct.It is almost never wrong..
Enjoy it!!It goes by so fast.For those of you that just had a baby what is one good advice that you would give a 5 month pregnant woman?
take the first 8 weeks minimum to learn how to breastfeed without worrying about wearing a shirt, having visitors etc. This would have made a world of difference for me. Instead, i had so many visitors that i was constantly covering up, or bottlefeeding, which ruins breastfeeding. Finally we got it down, and now he's 14 weeks old. So I would say no guests for 2 months so you can figure things out.
Get as much sleep as you can and walk as much as you can. This is your time, take advantage while you can. After your baby is born, it's all about the baby.
i definantly with the first answer tell family to come 24 hrs later i had visitors the same day and they left until 11 pm!!!!! and dont be afraid to ask 4 help.
If you haven't already, start a pregnancy journal. I didn't do this but so wish I did. I have no clue why I didn't. It would be really nice to read later how you felt each day. Also get plenty of sleep (if possible). Good Luck!
I wish I would have relaxed more. I went on a pretty strict diet. I wouldn't eat anything unhealthy. I wouldn't drink soda or anything unhealthy. I ate lots of fruits and veggies and drank plenty of water and milk. I took my vitamins daily. Anyway, my son was still born with problems. Yet a girl I know who adopted a drug addicted baby, he's just fine and doing much better than my son.
Once baby is here, do NOT put pressure on yourself to get everything done that you did before. Who cares if the house is messy, or the laundry is behind, or dishes are in the sink! Make caring for your baby and healing yourself after delivery your main concerns. Also, accept help!! If someone offers to bring over a meal, let them! If they offer to come over and do a load of laundry for you, let them! You're not superwoman, and the time with your newborn is no time to stress yourself out trying to be everything and a new mom.
Good luck and congrats!!
You need your rest. it will catch up to you, yes you will feel fine, but getting your rest after the baby born is very very important!!
And one other thing- you won't be pregnant forever. Yes, it'll feel like the last 2-3 weeks is taking its' time, but be patient and enjoy your last few days to yourself!! You WILL miss them!
Rest, try to get a lot of sleep and a pedicure. Get the extra long one right before you go into labor.
When resting snuggle up to your partner!!
Take time to bond with your new family ... alone... even if its for a few hours. I wish I would of asked visitors to give us at least 24 hours before they came to visit.
Get plenty of sleep, bond with your child, start saving money, and buy baragins.
Go to the movies, to concerts, to any of the activities that you love while you have the freedom to just go without any planning. Spend time with your partner. Have long bubble baths. Have a massage if you can find the extra cash (some places even do prenatal massage. Take the time to reflect on who you are right now-- maybe even starting a diary that keeps track of your feelings as you prepare for this major shift in your life. Tell your partner that you love them every single day. Read about birth, and try and figure out a rough idea of a birth plan.
Try to talk to your partner about division of labor post-baby. Try to get him to help out once the baby is born as much as possible. You will need time to recover.
Sleep in on the weekends while you still can and try to wake up every day with a smile. A new baby is hard work but worth the things that you may lose in the short term. Good luck!
Take a recent mom with you when you register for your shower. You won't use half of the gadgets you think you need. I returned half mine.
Don't take advice from others to heart or as an insult on your parenting. I did that with my first. Mothers love to share their experiences and most really just want to help not insult you.
Accept help when its offered!!!!
Its always a good idea to listen to the pediatrician but sometimes listenting to your instinct is better. You are with your baby more than your doctor is. For example, if you feed your baby solids 2 days before that 4 month mark nothing is going to happen to your baby.
Don't read the baby book like its the bible.
Bring granny underwear to the hospital. Trust me. In case you have a C section you will be wishing you did.
dont overeat a ton like i did, gaining 70 lbs while pregnant is fine while youre pregnant, but once your not anymore its not so cute. and ask people to wait a couple days before visiting. i had people in my hospital room all freaking day and all i wanted to do was be alone with my hubby and baby. my aunt came in one of the days and sat for 5 hours and even sat while they checked my stitches and breasts. akward! and she wouldnt leave! you need those first few days to get to know your baby without everyone hovering. also, newborn diapers. i only got size one and up at my shower and when we got home they were soooooooo huge on my little guy, it was so sad. we didnt have any NEWBORN sized onesies, only0-3 months which were big on him too. anyways, good luck!
If you are going to breastfeed.... it is hard! It takes a while to get it down. I wish I had bought an electric pump and had it ready. I was SO stressed out that my baby wasn't latching on correctly and that I wasn't making enough milk for him. I ended up pumping and giving him bottles until he got the hang of breastfeeding, and I even gave him some formula to supplement. I wish someone had told me that it isn't easy and it's ok to give some supplements (i actually cried when the hospital gave him a formula supplement because I felt like I had failed as a mom), and to please RELAX!
I would say rest- the first few weeks after baby you really don't get to much. And to try and relax and enjoy her pregnancy, it doesn't matter if the house or the nursery isn't perfect. Your baby will be and that is the only thing that matters. The best advise I got for baby, was to love them and hold them as much as possible. I believe they are only little for a very short time, and then that's it. You will miss them being so tiny and lovable.
Sleep a lot, eat as much good food as you can, and don't stress out about things because as everyone told me throughout my entire pregnancy- things have a way or working out. take lots of belly pictures because i'm really glad i did. once you get close to your due date, take more because it's neat to have a picture the day before your baby was born. also if you stand on your feet for long periods of time at work you may want to consider leaving early. because it gets really difficult. but do your keigals (woah spelling) and walk as much as you feel comfy doing. it brings labor on in a timely matter and makes it much easier to push. also- don't freak out about labor because its going to happen no matter what. take everything one step at a time, do what the doctors and nurses say, and you'll be done with it before you know it.
rest as much as possible now.
make sure u have lots of LOVE and lots of $$$$$$ and make sure u are still with ur hubby/bf because of baby need a mommie and and daddy