I've tried the diets, I exercise....but am having no luck losing I want to lose 25 lbs by the new year help!!Any advice to a middle aged woman on how to lose weight..fast?
Thanks for helping me with my question. If you have children it would help a lot. You could change the whole family's diet and that would be beneficial to everyone if you usually eat junk. Exercise! 30 minutes a day is a really good start. Walk whenever you can, you don't necessarily need to cut foods out, it's proportion size. Eat like your French basically they have 3 small meals a day. Try not to eat any processed foods, even if it's one of those microwave meals that say it's low in calories. Eat fresh and start from scratch. Drink lots of lots of water (the daily recommended intake is 2000ml - 2 litres) because it suppresses your appetite and leaves you feeling as if you've eaten and are full. If you don't really like water then add some concentrated juice to it or just drink green tea which is even better as it has flavour and has 0 calories.
Here are some ways to suppress food cravings but they'll really help you if you're planning on losing weight.
Start your day with oatmeal: Oatmeal has a high amount of fiber that suppresses your food craving for a long time during the day. Real oatmeal is better than instant oatmeal because its fiber content is higher. You can also add some flaxseed oil into the oatmeal for more appetite suppression.
Put some flaxseed into your diet: Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of omega-3, that reduces your risk of coronary heart disease. Flaxseed also contains about eight grams of fiber that can help curb your hunger. Sprinkle flaxseed oil on your veggies and salads to effectively suppress your appetite.
Drink a glass of water: Water is a powerful appetite suppressant. Every time you start to feel hungry, immediately drink an eight-ounce glass of water. Now, be patient and wait for 10 minutes after drinking the glass of water. Usually, you’ll find that your appetite is greatly reduced or completely gone.
Reduce your appetite with pine nuts: Pine nuts contain the most protein of all other nuts and seeds. Pine nuts have an appetite suppressing pinolenic acid that naturally reduces hunger. The polyunsaturated fat in pine nuts gives you a full feeling that can last for a while.
Go green: Green leafy vegetables can give you the power to hack your diet. You can eat an unlimited quantity of cabbage, lettuce, bokchoy, and other leafy vegetables because they have virtually zero calories. They will make you feel full and turn off the hunger signals in your brain. Simply make them into a salad, add a little bit of dressing, and eat to your heart’s content.
Settle for soups: Sipping soup is a great way to reduce your hunger and lose weight. Most soups have a high water content and low calories, except for the creamy types. Eat a couple of bowls of soup per day to suppress your food cravings.
Weigh less by eating whey: Drinking liquid meals that contain whey protein powder suppresses appetite since whey affects your hormones and gives you that full feeling. Whey also builds your muscles, lowers your blood pressure, and aids in your weight loss.
Exercise: Tricking your brain into thinking you’ve consumed lots of calories has a catch — sooner or later, it will figure out that you don’t have enough energy and your hunger will return. It’s too late for that though, because you’ve delayed the onset of hunger for an hour or more. You can delay the onset of hunger even further by exercising daily because exercise converts stored body fat into blood sugar, which suppresses your food cravings.
These are some healthy and low fat ideas for a day:
Breakfast: Oats with prunes or dried fruits and green tea
Lunch: Fresh salad with chicken strips, beetroot, olives and red onions OR a salmon sandwich (wholemeal bread) and a drink of water OR soup.
Dinner: Steamed fish or grilled steak with asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers and brown rice.
In between you could have some of the 5 fruit and vegetables as snacks like carrot shavings or apples. Any fruit and vegetable basically and remember to drink 2000ml of water. These are all healthy dinners and are generally low fat depending on how much you have of it so keep the portion fairly small.Any advice to a middle aged woman on how to lose weight..fast?
First of all dont focus on ';weight'; focus on ';body fat';
Body fat is what you want to loose to look better. Weight can be deceiving because muscle weighs more than fat and any additional muscle is good because more muscle equals more metabolism equals more burned calories equals easier fat loss.... and the cycle continues.
You want to eat 20% under your Base Metabolic rate, no more and no less. this is the optimum amount of calories for maximum fat burn. Use the diet calorie calculator on this page:
That will take into consideration your activity level. Also the more you workout the more calories your burn and the higher your 20% deficit is. So if you workout, not only can you eat more and feel more full throughout the day, but your calorie deficit is larger so you burn more fat, so workout as much as you can.
Here is an example of what i mean:
Female, 30yrs, lazy, 145 lbs would need about 1600 calories in a day to maintain weight. To loose maximum fat that would be 20% less, so that would be about 1300 calories. Only a 300 calories deficit, which will take a while to add up to significant fat loss.
On the other hand, take that same woman and calculate everything again with her working out every day: She would need to eat 2400 calories to maintain her weight and 1900 calories for maximum fat loss. As you can see the active woman's calorie deficit is 500 calories now and she can eat alot more each day, which , lets face it is a definite benefit over starving yourself and feeling uncomfortable and hungry.
Hope that helps
Well to answer your question it would take ime but here is a workout or thing that might help :
1)Stop eating and excercise intensely. (time consumed: about a week, maybe)
2) Dehydrate yourself. Do not drink any water, and you can lose up to 10 pounds (time consumed: a day or two)
3) Get lipo-suction (time consumed: idk, i guess a few hours)
4) Cut off a limb. (time consumed: instantaneous)
you need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn't say DIET) plan that works for you;
You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking.
Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!
Good luck, you can do this!!
Avoid “white” carbohydrates
Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.
* Take one pound at a time
* Set Reachable Goals
* Stay off the scales
* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin
* Fat Free?
* Drink plenty of water
* Reward yourself
* Seek help if you need it
* Watch your portions
* Eat your food slowly
- Healthy life every day!
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