I dated this amazing girl for 4 months very seriously and she dumped me as her boyfriend and now as a friend too! Basically, I was foolish and cheated on her 6 weeks into the relationship with another girl. I fessed up and tried to fix things, so I told the other girl I couldn't talk to her anymore because I wanted to commit 100% to my new girlfriend. This other girl understood, wished me best of luck with my new girlfriend, and told me to hit her up if things ever changed. So 3 months pass and my girlfriend dumps me for unrelated reasons. She begins dating other guys immediately and tells me to move on. So I decide to reconnect with the other girl I had cheated on her with.
Now my ex girlfriend feels very betrayed because she apparently considered that girl off limits due to ';unwritten breakup rules';. My ex claims I must not value even her friendship otherwise I wouldn't have done that. I don't think reengaging with the other girl was wrong since my ex-girlfriend and I are no longer a couple. What's your take? Include age and m/f please. Thanks!I got friend dumped. Need Woman's advice! ?
I would be really pissed if my ex bf chose to go out with the girl that he cheated on me with. It would be hurtful because it seems as though you and I broke up, so you ran to the other person that you know would kill me.
That is what it is like. That would be like her going out with a guy that looks and acts just like you. You would probably be like wtf.
BUt do not worry about it, not all the time exes stays friends. It is hard to be friends when you just get out of a relationship with that person. Just give it some time and it will work.
Sex: Female I got friend dumped. Need Woman's advice! ?
Heya, Eighteen and female here...
Yeah, girl rules state that the other girl is strictly off limits. She's a betrayal to everything that was ever between you, just as she was a betrayal during your relationship. Being friends with an ex is hard enough, especially when you begin to date again but dating the girl you cheated on her with... It makes it seem like you wanted the other girl the entire time y'all were back together, which is interpreted as lying to her about your level of commitment... and all sorts of bad things that you as a boy don't understand.
Why should it matter to her who you date. She is not your girlfriend any more she is just your friend. What rule is she talking about cause i never heard if such a dumb thing. Thats why they alsay you cant be friends with your ex because of stuff like this. She is being very jealous and you dont need that. You need to let her know that she is your friend and whom ever you date it should not matter to her. She might get mad are she might understand but its worth it to talk to her about it!
i dont think it should matter to the old gf because u guys are not dating anymore. it is ur life now unless she still has feelings for u then it should not matter she broke up with u right. Tell her to get over it and that it is ur life not hers.
Female 23 yrs old
your ex has no right to tell you who you are allowed to date. you can talk to that other girl if you want. if your ex has issues with it then maybe she shouldnt have broken up with you.
f 18
17 f she was wrong you guys werent dating and she moved on then you can talk to the other chick i think shes afarid of something
Date who you want. The ex has no say in the matter unless of course it should be her best friend.
tell your ex to get lost, shes not part of ur life so u can see whom ever u want. move on..
just tell your old friend u are srry and try to talk to her
Well, really, she seems like a tie worth severing anyways...
but if you don't want that to happen, you had to consider she'd be offended. Since it's too late to have talked to her BEFORE hand, try a good conversation, ask what she wants you to do and say how its unfair for her to put limits on who you can be with at the cost of a friendship with her. Seems to me she shouldn't care, if she doesn't want to be with you. but if you really need to hold on to her, you can't go to the reconnect girl.
Your ex was probably deeply hurt by you cheating on her, and now is getting hurt again. This makes it look like you've been two-timing her the entire relationship, and makes any apologies given for the cheating null and void.
Obviously you didn't care about this girl if you have to question why this is a problem for you. And she wouldn't care if she didn't love you in the first place.
I think that you didn't intentionally do this to hurt her, but weren't there any other girls you could've gotten with?
Well, I think that your ex girlfriend is definitely jealous of this other girl. From a girls point of view, 26 yrs old btw, If my bf cheated on me and then dated the girl after we broke up I would definitely be upset. You betrayed her trust by cheating with this girl, which always hurts (we always feel like ';what does she have that I couldn't have offered';) and then by dating the ';mistress'; It shows that you DID have feelings for her and it wasn't just some casual mistake. All the sorry's that you have said to your ex means nothing to her now because by dating this other girl you have shown her that you have had feelings for her (the other girl) all along. I hope this makes sense (so tired right now but am trying to help).
My best advice to you would be to continue to see the ';other girl';. If your ex girlfriend wanted to be with you she wouldn't have dumped you in the first place. Besides, do you really think just being your ex's friend could really work out??
Good Luck!!!
well i don't think she can ba angry at you for hooking up with that other girl, because seeing as you have broken up, the relationships you become involved in don't exactly have anything to do with her. if she has started to date again, then there is no reason that you cant as well.
if shes acting like this towards you she obviously isn't over you, even though she might think so herself. it might take her a bit of time to get over it, but if this behaviour continues, don't even worry about her friendship, because it isn't really one hat you would want.
good luck!
sex: Female
age: 16
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