we have decided ( he has ) after 3 yrs , to be friends and not lovers any more. He said i'm too perfect and if he didn't know how naturally caring i was , he would resent me. he calls me a ';saint'; . we did not spend last weekend together as usual , he went to see his sister who just got in from canada. so i'm waiting to see if we spend this weekend coming , together, and if he tries to have sex with me, i'll dash his *** to the curb. Sex has always been fantastic, we have known each other for 11 years, 3 as lovers, and i broke his heart when we were teens .
I never have sex with anyone other than a comitted boyfriend. and he knows this so if he thinks i'll be a friend with benefits he is sadly mistaken.
That said, I love him very much, i was willing to be with him, unmarried, separate recidences and no kids, no problem, but he can't even handle that..said i'm too nice and wonderful a woman to have to deal with his bullshit ( his words)
my question is, if i'm so wonderful, why isn't he utterly scared of losing me as his woman ? when i say '; i don't want to be friends ,'; he gets upset , so i know he wants me to be in his life so i relent , we talk on the phone once a day, three times at night, we have great conversations and joke alot now...so i wait to see what this shitty patch really means..
i cannot see myself with anyone else but him , he is a fine man and a good one , and i guess i want input from a scorpio male...have you ever had this situation before and why ?Scorpio men please answer :a loving woman needs advice?
If a person tells you who and what they are, you need to believe them. If he said he's no good and that you're too good for him HE MEANS IT. You don't just want to have a guy that you see on his terms, screw and then go back to your own place. You don't. You're not getting anything out of this relationship, its all about him. I don't even think you should be friends with this guy, and I seriously think you might want to consider some counseling to determine why you're so insistent on selling yourself short. He's not a good guy at all, sweetie. I wish you the best, but its really time to move on. You are too good to deal with his bullshit. Its not enough for others to believe that though...YOU need to believe it. If someone doesn't love you, there is nothing you can do to get them to change their mind. You shouldn't have to...he should be BEGGING YOU to be with him. Move forward, not backward.Scorpio men please answer :a loving woman needs advice?
This guy is exploiting you. You don't talk to a ';friend'; 4 times a day. You already are a friend with benefits to him - but he gets all the benefits. Like Marina said, he is getting you on his terms. Get him out of your life completely and move on; you are selling yourself short.
the dude you're talking on sounds very insecure. and he's being honest. do you like that about him? or does what he does hurt you....... maybe you should think about what you want and not what he wants. you talk it out with him on how you REALLY feel. not what you want to feel or what you idealise about the two of you. if you really truely want something romantic and trusting with this guy you will talk with him and get the bottom of your relationship with him. you're smart to not let a good thing slip by !!! keep up your own inner confidence, it really shines through. ~~the heart is like a submarine through traveling deeply in dark and uncharted waters. but you're the captain. :-) Good Luck!!!
[Gemini Sun, Cap Moon Girl]
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