Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is a woman's advice to her husband if he takes a long time in the bathroom?

Honey, we need to add another bathroom/move to a place with a second bathroom... if you've already got two bathrooms, what's the problem? Assign him to the more remote one if he's using it to get some peace or as a reading room (though if the reading is x-rated, you might need a marriage counselor), and buy one of those plug-in air fresheners if he's stinking up the place. But it's really not your business how long it takes him in the bathroom. Back off.What is a woman's advice to her husband if he takes a long time in the bathroom?
Some men utilize the bathroom as much as women do. It may seem awkward to you for him to use it for an extended period of time but keep in mind, when you go to use the bathroom, how long are you in there? My man goes in the bathroom in the morning and he is in there for about 20 minutes. He uses the toilet, shower and sink doing all of his morning business. Showering, combing his hair, brushing his teeth, dressing and so on. So it isn't too unusual. If you feel he is still taking too long for one activity, maybe a little knock on the door and asking how long he will be could aleviate some of the extra time he is taking.What is a woman's advice to her husband if he takes a long time in the bathroom?
Depends on what he is doing in there.

Is he taking a dump? Set matches and air freshner on the toilet. Is he whacking off? Make him a guy room with a tv and a couch. Is he a pretty boy and admiring himself? Buy another mirror and put it some place else far from the bathroom.
Make sure you have a can of air freshener on hand. Hahahaha!
most men don't take a long time in the bathroom. if you own your house build another bath for yourself

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