Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can any women or men circumcised as adults give me some advice?

Finally, after 4 years of marriage my husband has finally agreed to getting circumcised. He agreed to get it done when he turned 30 and Feb 28 was his 30th birthday. We have consulted with a clinic in the Baton Rouge area that specializes in this and discussed the pros and cons and have set the date for May 16 so he can have the following week off to recover. My ex boyfriend before I married was also not circumcised so this will be something new for the both of us.

Has anyone else been through this and what can we expect? Girls, is it better cut or should we cancel? I'm a little nervous but really think I want this. We are going to take pics before and after and are trying to get in as much sex as possible before cut date to compare the before and after feelings for the both of us. Willing to share results and answer questions later as a man and woman that has experienced both. Hope its worth it because I know it's final.Can any women or men circumcised as adults give me some advice?
It is better cut. I can give you a prime example. My husband had never been circumcised when he was a baby due to medical problems. Finally at the age of 25, he had it done. It was a great thing for the both of us, mainly because the upkeep is easier, it is cleaner, and there is less problems when things get a little ';rough';. We decided on doing it at that age, because after so long, it was getting frustrating having the foreskin pulled or stretched and the tip was very very sensitive afterwards and hard to clean because of it. So we consulted a doctor who actually gave us an opinion. (Most won't and tell you that it is your decision). The surgeon we spoke with said that it makes men less prone to Urinary tract infections and skin problems, as well as any skin tearing issues.

Finally, we go to the doctor, and I will be completely honest with you in this. My husband said it was the worst thing he'd ever been through. Not for pain, he was numbed, but because he could smell the burning flesh. He almost threw up in the office. Afterwords was a pain for quite a few days. The hubby was in bed for about 3 days straight, and had these little poppers that he had to take every time he started to get an erection. (He said they made him see purple.) The pain meds worked ok, until morning came and the inevitable happened. After about a week he was moving around much better and after 2 weeks, there wasn't really a problem at all. Just make sure to keep an eye on the sutures and keep everything very clean. If your husband takes baths to soothe himself during this time, have him shower prior, and lay in warm, not hot water.

As the dust settled and life moved on, my husband and I were curious as to the changes this surgery had made. Honest to goodness there was a half inch girth difference and 1/4'; length. It may have just been a mistake of measuring the first time, but it was visible to the naked eye, or so it seemed. After things had healed, we could be as ';rough'; as we pleased without him tearing anything, or having to agonizingly clean his very sensitive tip after sex.

All in all, It was more than worth it. I would never go back if I had the option and neither would my husband. He said that he was just sorry he hadn't done it sooner (After it had healed of course).. If you have any other questions or I am forgetting something, please feel free to email me. I know what you're going through. Having had my husband have the surgery as an adult, it wasn't easy, but in the long run it makes everything else pale in comparison! Good luck with the surgery, Be ready with lots of pillows and movies for him to watch afterwords.Can any women or men circumcised as adults give me some advice?
What a weird thing to focus on
Nobody took the time to ask me when I was born!
why would you ask him to do this? why does it bother you so much? there is nothing wrong with an uncircumsized penis and it's going to hurt like hell for him.

it's very selfish of you to expect him to go through with this surgery.while you won't feel a difference in sex he sure will. the foreskin makes the head of his penis very sensitive which in turn makes for great sex. he'll get used to the difference in time but why would you or he want him to have to? leave it alone.
If it isn't a medical issue i dont think i would go through with it unless the both of you absolutely wanted really isnt that much different either ex was and my hubby now isnt...and my father in law just had it done last year...he thought he was going to die with the pain from doesnt really get in the way of sex or anything was intended to be there so why take it off...???
it is good that he is getting circumised but he should hane got it did when he was younger i dont know about if the sex is going to be better but it is health 4 the both of u 4 a while it is going to hurt so u might be able to have sex until he go 4 a follow up with his doctor
Why would you want this??? There is nothing wrong with an uncircumcised man. I just can't fathom why you would want your man to go through the pain and the risks for this. If it's not broken why are you messing with it???
Ouch i hope its worth it, I've heard this subject on a radio show and alot of guys wish they've never got it cut. The foreskin is for foreplay its sexual secretions and adds to better orgasms from what i hear i have had no experience only with circumsied and its seens more tight then loose but its all about the girth. this is just my opinion of course. well either way hope he has a speed recovery good luck too.
Why would you want to make him do this? It seems barbaric. What exactly are the pros to cutting off the natural skin of the penis? If you are in a commited relationship and he cleans his penis then you aren't at risk for infection or disease...I just don't get it.

I understand why people do it to infants because it will prevent diseases later in life...but as an adult...ouch!
I say if it's not broke don't fix it. My husband is not circumcised. I think sex is the same either or. I've been with both and there is no difference it's just a matter of preference. My husband will never get circumcised. I don't know the reasons why, but he likes it the way it is.
My husband is circumcised because of our religion which requires all male infants to be circumcised at birth. I wouldn't know about uncircumcised men as my husband has been the only man in my life. However it doesn't make much of a difference and it will be easier for him to clean himself and he'll be less likely to get an STD being circumcised.
Yes there are a couple of benefits to that..

1) It will be clean.... and residue dirt will not hide in t he fore skin.

2) After a while... the head becomes less sensitive.. so he can last much longer...

3) It will be easy to grow... as there is no fore skin restriction..

Same as for girls.. they can circumcised if they want to..

This is at fore skin of a clitoris.. Same results happen..

Overall results ... sex will last longer... and can be quite fullfilling....

take care.... and have fun..

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